Decisions for issue The Pupil Premium in Brighton & Hove schools

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The Pupil Premium in Brighton & Hove schools

06/08/2015 - The Pupil Premium in Brighton & Hove schools

82.1         Councillor Shanks introduced the report which outlined the national context of the Pupil Premium (PP), the achievement of the pupils who were in receipt of PP, what school leaders were expected to do and how the local authority was supporting and challenging them.  She noted that the report had been referred to the council for information and welcomed the opportunity to bring it to Members’ attention.  She thanked Councillor Wealls for his input in relation to children receiving free-school meals and closing the gap in levels of attainment and asked all councillors who were members of governing bodies to raise the matter at their meetings.


82.2         Councillor Pissaridou stated that all Members should be aware of the report and should take the opportunity to read it.  She noted that 9 out of 10 pupils receiving pupil premium did not achieve the basic 5 GCSE’s and it appeared that there was no significant movement to close the gap. She suggested that there was a need to give schools more autonomy and noted that individual interventions had made the most difference.


82.3         Councillor Wealls stated that the gap had widened for five A-C GCSEs from 31% to 37% and yet the target had been to get it to 20%.  He hoped that action would be taken to address this and that the need to do so would be recognised by the council.


82.4         Councillor Shanks noted the comments and stated that the need to tackle the matter had been identified and with support of all groups she hoped it could be addressed.


82.5         The Mayor noted that the report had been referred for information and moved that it be noted.


82.6         RESOLVED: That the report be noted.

24/03/2015 - The Pupil Premium in Brighton & Hove schools

83.1    The Committee considered the report of the Executive Director for Children’s Services, regarding Pupil Premium (PP). The report outlined the national context of the PP, the achievement of the pupils who were in receipt of PP, what school leaders were expected to do and how the local authority was supporting and challenging them. The report was introduced by the Head of Standards and Achievement, Education and Inclusion.


83.2    Councillor Wealls noted the information provided in the report and was concerned at the attainment of disadvantaged pupils at Varndean and Longhill secondary schools. The Head of Standards and Achievements Education and Inclusion said that those schools were aware of the issues and were focusing on supporting those vulnerable children.


83.3    Councillor Pissaridou noted the figures provided in the report and was concerned that the gap on attainment between those on Free School Meals (FSM) and not on FSM hadn’t really changed since 2011. The Chair said that data was available prior to 2011 and could be provided. The Authority was also concerned at the disparity and had prepared a strategy, ‘Closing the Gap in Educational Achievement for Vulnerable Groups in the City’, (which was provided with the report), and were providing training for school governors and support for Head Teachers.


83.4    Maram Takriti noted that the results for Brighton Aldridge Community Academy were very good. The Head of Standards and Achievements Education and Inclusion agreed and said that the Authority had asked the school to share their good practice with others.


83.5    Amanda Mortensen asked if all families eligible for FSM were being identified. The Head of Standards and Achievements Education and Inclusion said that schools did their best to do that and the numbers identified had continued to grow.


83.6    Councillor Simson suggested that for small schools it might be useful to work in partnership with others, sharing ideas and good practice. Martin Jones thought it would also be useful for school governors to work together. The Assistant Director Education and Inclusion agreed.


83.7    RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.






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