Decisions for issue LOCAL TRANSPORT PLAN 2015
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06/08/2015 - Local Transport Plan 2015
78.1 Councillor Davey introduced the report and stated that he wished to thank the officers involved in putting the plan together. He stated that it highlighted how important transport was to the city and the investment that had been achieved with successful bids for resources. He also believed that an important measure of success was how people travelled in the city and he noted that Brighton and Hove had one of the lowest figures for car use. It was also the highest outside of London for bus use and car sharing, all of which helped to reduce the level of emissions. There was more to do and he hoped the work would continue and commended the plan to the council.
78.2 Councillor Hawtree stated that he wished to congratulate Councillor Davey on his achievements during the last four years and suggested that the soon to be implemented bike scheme in the city should be referred to as ‘Davey’s Bikes.’
78.3 Councillor Duncan welcomed the report and acknowledged the work of Councillor Davey. However, he believed that more could be done and needed to be. The level of bus and train fares was increasing and this needed to be addressed if people were going to continue to be able to use public transport. He also felt that more engagement was needed with residents on improvement proposals so that their views and needs could be taken into consideration.
78.4 Councillor Mears welcomed the report but expressed a noted of concern for the new council as there would be a need to take a strategic overview of the city and its transport provision. The tourist trade provided a valuable income to the city’s economy and it needed to be protected when changes were being made to the transport infrastructure and major developments came on board. The timing and co-ordination of these would need to be carefully managed, otherwise the city could suffer.
78.5 Councillor Summers stated that an incredible number of achievements had been made across the transport portfolio, whether everyone agreed with them or not, and she wished to commend Councillor Davey for his role in that and to wish him well for the future.
78.6 Councillor West stated that he wanted to add his thanks and appreciation of Councillor Davey’s role as the Lead Member for Transport. He and the officers had levered in an incredible amount of funding to the city and delivered a number of projects that benefitted the city as a whole. He had found the plan to be a very good read and it laid the foundation for further improvements across the city and he recommended it to everyone.
78.7 Councillor Mitchell welcomed the report and praised the work of the transport team and the aim to meet the challenges ahead over the next four years. It was disappointing to see the reduction in government funding and the increased need to find match funding for schemes but she hoped that resources could be found to enable the programme to continue. She was concerned about the use of the LTP budget being used for borrowing and whether this would impact on future provision.
78.8 Councillor J. Kitcat stated that there was going to be a need for authorities to work together across the region to meet the transport needs. The council had already built up working relations with partners and the bus companies and received support from the universities. These relationships had put the council in good stead and he wished to thank Councillor Davey for all his work and being a transport ambassador for the city.
78.9 Councillor Davey thanked everyone for their comments and stated that he had been involved in transport issues for some time and he hoped that the work undertaken with officers would continue to be taken forward. He was concerned that the various party manifestos appeared light on transport aims and hoped that was because the plan highlighted what was required.
78.10 The Mayor noted that the recommendations had been moved and put them to the vote which was carried.
78.11 RESOLVED: That the draft Local Transport Plan (LTP4) as detailed in appendix 1 to the report be approved.
19/03/2015 - Local Transport Plan
1) That the Committee recommends Council to approve the draft Local Transport Plan [LTP4], as attached in Appendix 2 in March 2015.
2) That the Committee authorises the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing to make presentational and other minor changes to the Local Transport Plan and the report before its submission to full Council.
3) That the Committee approves the 2015/16 Local Transport Plan capital programme budget of £5.450 million for the Capital Renewal (Maintenance) and Integrated Transport work programmes set out in Appendix 3.
4) That the Committee approves funding for the LTP programme of £4.261 million from the LTP 2015/16 grant allocation as set out Appendix 3, and up to £1.189 million brought forward from the LTP 2016/17 grant allocation specifically to contribute towards the LTP capital renewal/maintenance block allocation to:-
a) complete the final phase of works on the King’s Road Arches (east of the i360 site); and,
b) enable the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to work with the Head of Property & Design and Assistant Chief Executive to identify and review the potential opportunities presented by the structural condition of the now vacant, former West Street Shelter Hall and develop designs to rebuild the structure and revise the junction layout, as set out at paragraphs 3.15 to 3.17 of this report.