Decisions for issue Changes to Textile Collections from Bring Sites Securing Revenue for Brighton & Hove City Council and Local Charities
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Changes to Textile Collections from Bring Sites Securing Revenue for Brighton & Hove City Council and Local Charities
08/07/2015 - Changes to Textile Collections from Bring Sites Securing Revenue for Brighton & Hove City Council and Local Charities
That the Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee:
1) authorises the procurement of the contract for the installation, maintenance and servicing of textile banks in Brighton & Hove, following the timeline and evaluation criteria set out in the report with a contract term of 3 years from November 2015 with the option of a two year extension;
2) Authorises the re-investment of 60% of the net income from the contract in service improvements such as maintenance of on-street recycling bins and investment in wheelie bins for recycling;
3) Authorises the ring-fencing of 40% of the net income from the contract to the incentive fund formally agreed by the Committee in March 2014;
4) agrees to the review of the scheme after six months to assess income generated and its allocation within the service and to the incentive fund; and
5) authorises all necessary measures to remove the unregulated textile banks from council-owned land so that they can be replaced by those authorised under the contract;
6) Grants delegated authority to the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing:
· to award the contract for 3 years following the recommendations of the evaluation panel and the results of the tendering process; and
· to extend the contract for 2 years subject to satisfactory performance of the provider in respect of the initial 3 year period.
7) Notes that the contract will be awarded as soon as practicable allowing for the procurement process.