Decisions for issue Proposed Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

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Proposed Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

17/06/2015 - Proposed Additional Licensing Scheme for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO)

  (1)      That the results of the consultation and evidence gathering exercise undertaken in relation to the proposed additional HMO Licensing Scheme as summarised in the report and detailed in the Appendix, be noted.


(2)            That the wards of Brunswick & Adelaide, Central Hove, East Brighton, Goldsmid, Preston Park, Regency and Westbourne be designated as subject to additional licensing under S56(1) of the Housing Act 2004 in relation to smaller Houses in Multiple Occupation of two or more storeys and three or more occupiers, (other than those that are HMOs by virtue of Section 257 of the Housing Act 2004).  Such designation to take effect on 2 November 2015 and last for 5 years. 

(3)      That the revised fees for HMO licensing as set out in Section 4 be agreed.  These revised fees will apply to additional and mandatory HMO licensing schemes from 1 August 2015 to take account of cost increases since fees were last reviewed in 2010/11.



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