Decisions for issue New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval
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New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval
14/08/2015 - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval
28.1 Councillor Meadows introduced the report which had been referred to the council for information and detailed proposals for housing developments at Findon Road, Whitehawk as part of the Council’s programme to meet its housing targets.
28.2 Councillor Mears stated that she wished to express her concerns about the cost of the development and its impact on the Housing Revenue Account and other potential schemes. It appeared that the costs were rising and housing tenants were unlikely to benefit from the scheme even though they were subsidising it. She believed that there should be a Tenant Scrutiny on this issue and an independent audit of the scheme.
28.3 Councillor Miller stated that he was concerned about the excessive cost of the units which appeared to put them beyond the reach of tenants. He believed that the council was getting a bad deal because of the lack of competition in the process of awarding the contract and hoped that this was something that the new Procurement Board would review.
28.4 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Miller on his maiden speech on behalf of the council.
28.5 Councillor Bell stated that he was also concerned about the proposed development and associated costs which he felt should have been placed on the developer. He felt that funds for other projects and services were being restricted because of the approach taken and that this should be reviewed so that the risks associated with future developments were bourne by the developer and not the council. This would then free up additional resources for tenants.
28.6 The Mayor congratulated Councillor Bell on his maiden speech on behalf of the council.
28.7 Councillor Phillips noted that the Green Group had put forward an amendment at the Housing Committee meeting which was not accepted. She felt that it would be helpful to have a Working Group that could look at proposed developments and associated issues so as to take matters forward and report back to the committee.
28.8 Councillor Meadows noted the comments and stated that she understood and shared some of the concerns about the various projects. However, these had been identified and agreed under a previous Administration and a number of those previous councillors were no longer on the council. The proposed development at Findon Road was to a very high standard and met the new Homes Standard which should be welcomed. She had also asked officers to establish a cross-party Project Board to look at how new homes could be provided across the city.
28.9 The Mayor stated that the report had been referred for information and therefore moved that it be noted.
28.10 RESOLVED: That the report be noted.
28.11 The Mayor then adjourned the meeting for a refreshment break at 6.10pm.
28.12 The Mayor reconvened the meeting at 6.45pm.
09/07/2015 - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval - Findon Road and garage sites update
32.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director for Environment, Development & Housing in relation to New Homes for Neighbourhoods – Final Scheme Approval – Findon Road and garage sites update; the report had also been considered by the Housing & New Homes Committee on 17 June 2015. The report focused on development proposals for the site at Findon Road, Whitehawk (former library site) and updated the Committee on the progress of four sites being delivered by the Council’s development – the Guinness Partnership.
32.2 Councillor Meadows spoke to the report in her capacity as the Chair of the Housing & New Homes Committee and explained that the plot at Findon Road had twice been offered out on the open market with no interest. The costs of the scheme benchmarked well, and the new homes provided would be large and fit for purpose – the scheme would also provide a new substation. The buildings would have solar panels on the grid to provide the Council with income which would be passed onto the tenants to reduce their costs for household bills. Councillor Meadows provided assurance that the Housing & New Homes Committee would monitor the scheme to ensure it came in on time.
32.3 The Chair noted that the Findon Road site was located in his, and Councillor Mitchell’s, ward and had been empty for a number of years despite the need for new homes in the area. He commended the work of the Neighbourhood and Regeneration Team – in particular their success at involving residents.
32.4 Councillor G. Theobald noted there had been concerns raised at the Housing & New Homes Committee in relation to the costs per unit; whilst the Committee were asked to approve the land sale and the budget provision he asked for assurance that the cost per unit was reasonable. In response the Head of City Regeneration explained that there were some anomalies at the site in relation to ground works and changes in levels; there were also higher costs associated with the quality of the design that the scheme sought to achieve. With all this in mind the cost per unit compared favourable, and this was benchmarked by a quality surveyor who provided assurance around value for money. All of this was reported to the project board which involved local Councillors.
32.5 In response to Councillor Wealls it was explained that the developer had already been procured early on and this would be Westridge who were also undertaking the renovation works to Hove Town Hall.
32.6 The Chair then put the recommendations to the vote, and Councillors: G. Theobald, Wealls, Janio and A. Norman asked that there vote of abstention be recorded.
i. Approve that the land at Findon Road, former Whitehawk library site is appropriated to the HRA for a capital receipt of £940,000 for planning purposes and the development of new housing.
ii. Approve a budget of £14.1 million for the Findon Road scheme in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of unsupported borrowing and retained Right to Buy capital receipts.
iii. That the site at the former Whitehawk Community Complex, Whitehawk Road, Brighton, BN2 5FP (referred to in this report as the former library site at Findon Road, Whitehawk) is appropriated for planning purposes and the development of new housing
iv. That the sitesat 4-7, 10 and 15-20 Kensington Street, Brighton, BN4 1AJis appropriated for planning purposes and the development of new housing.
17/06/2015 - New Homes for Neighbourhoods - Final Scheme Approval - Findon Road and Garage Sites Update
(1) That approval be given for:
i. The final design.
ii. The scheme rent levels.
iii. The estimated levels of additional investment required from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA) for the chosen rent model and delegates authority to the Executive Director of Environment, Development and Housing and the Executive Director of Finance and Resources in consultation with the Estate Regeneration Member Board to agree reasonable amendments to that subsidy if changes arise.
(2) That the Policy and Resources Committee be recommended to:
iv. Approve that the land at Findon Road, former Whitehawk library site is appropriated to the HRA for a capital receipt of £0.940 million for planning purposes and the development of new housing.
v. Approve a budget of £14.1 million for the Findon Road scheme in the HRA Capital Programme which will be financed through a mixture of unsupported borrowing and retained Right to Buy capital receipts.
vi. That the site at 4-7 and 15-20 Kensington Street is appropriated for planning purposes and the development of new housing.