Decisions for issue Brighton & Hove Fairness Commission
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Brighton & Hove Fairness Commission
01/07/2015 - Brighton & Hove Fairness Commission
10.1 The Committee considered a report of the Assistant Chief Executive in relation to Brighton & Hove Fairness Commission. The report recommended the establishment of a fairness commission for Brighton & Hove that would help inform solutions to the challenges facing the city in relation to equality and fairness. The Commission would also provide a means of testing the implications of future policy and budgetary decisions proposed by the Council. It was noted there was an amendment to the recommendations from the Head of Legal & Democratic Services.
10.2 Councillor Daniel explained that the Commission would be independently chaired, and it would be for the first meeting of the Neighbourhood, Communities & Equalities Committee would seek to approve a robust framework for the Commission to operate. The intention was for the Commission to report within 12 months and look towards a three year budget. The Commission would also look towards practical recommendations for residents.
10.3 In response to Councillor A. Norman the Assistant Chief Executive explained that the costs for the Commission would be met from existing budgets, and it was not expected these would be large as the Commission would be made up of 12 individuals. There would be basic remuneration offered to those on the Commission similar to the Members’ Allowances Scheme.
10.4 Councillor Mac Cafferty welcomed the Commission, and he hoped that some of the work undertaken by the previous administration had set the basis for this work, and he also hoped the Commission would build on this work going forward.
10.5 In response to Councillors Wealls and Janio the Chair explained that the proposed appointees would be announced in the next few weeks, but the process would ensure all sectors were involved; there would also be one Member appointed to ensure the Commission achieved the goals it was set. There could also be a delay in appointing the full membership to allow the Commission to appoint some of its own members. Councillor Daniel added that she welcomed the comments by other Members and acknowledged the work of partners in the city as well as the previous administration’s work in relation to the living wage.
10.6 Councillor Wealls noted his support for the Commission, but he had reservations that this could become political; however, he was more than willing to support the report in view of waiting to see what who was appointed to the Commission. The Chair noted that the appointments would need the support of all political parties.
10.7 The Chair then put the amended recommendation to the vote.
1) That the Committee agrees in principle to the establishment of a fairness commission.
2) That the Committee notes that the detailed Terms of Reference and ways of working for the Fairness Commission will be considered by the Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee at its meeting on 20 July and,
3) That the Committee delegates the power to the Chief Executive, having regard to the recommendations of the Neighbourhoods, Communities and Equalities Committee, to establish the Fairness Commission and take all steps necessary or incidental to the establishment of the Commission.