Decisions for issue Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities

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Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities

09/07/2015 - Refuse, Recycling & Street Cleansing Service Review and Priorities

1)               That the Committee note the priorities and actions set out in the Service Plan for 2015/16 at Appendix 1.


2)               That the Committee agrees the establishment of a commercial waste collection service within the parameters set out in the report and authorises the Executive Director of Finance and Resources and the Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing to implement the operational arrangements.


3)               That the Committee agrees in principle to the procurement of a contract to support Cityclean in the provision of waste and littering enforcement activity.  A detailed business plan and procurement strategy will be presented to Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee for approval.


4)               That the Committee approves the development of a more detailed 5 year Waste, Street Cleansing and Recycling Service Plan incorporating the key actions in this report and revising long term targets and objectives set out in the existing Waste Management Strategy.  The plan, which will be subject to public consultation, will be available for adoption by March 2016.


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