Decisions for issue Land at West Blatchington Primary School, Hove: proposed lease to the Education Funding Agency for the purpose of

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Land at West Blatchington Primary School, Hove: proposed lease to the Education Funding Agency for the purpose of

09/07/2015 - Land at West Blatchington Primary School, Hove: proposed lease to the Education Funding Agency for the purpose of

1)           That the Committee approves the continuation of discussions with the Education Funding Agency (EFA), the Board of King’s School and its promoter the Russell Education Trust (RET) and the governing body of West Blatchington Primary School about a proposal to develop the primary school site as a permanent site for King’s School, with a replacement building for West Blatchington Primary School on the same site.


2)           That the Committee confirms in principle that should these discussions be successful and subject to all necessary consents being obtained, the Council would be willing to enter into a 125 year lease for that part of the site occupied  by King’s School (either wholly or in shared use with West Blatchington Primary School) with the EFA at a peppercorn rent.


3)           That the Committee agrees that the matter of the 125 year lease will be referred back to Policy and Resources Committee prior to the lease being signed.


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