Decisions for issue Brighton Open Market CIC Loan Request

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Brighton Open Market CIC Loan Request

04/11/2015 - Brighton Open Market CIC Loan Request


1)        That the Committee agree to make available a loan of £61,000 to the Brighton Open Market CIC to allow it to continue trading and implement its Recovery Plan as discussed below in paragraphs 4.4 and 4.8 and attached at Appendix 1.


2)        That the Committee grant delegated authority to the Executive Director Environment, Development & Housing and Executive Director Finance & Resources to agree the Recovery Plan with Brighton Open Market CIC prior to releasing the requested loan and authorises the Head of Legal Services to complete all of the required documentation.


3)        That Officers ensure that business is sought and involved in acting the recovery plan, and that a monitoring report is brought to the Committee by the end of the financial year.


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