Decisions for issue Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2016 : Amendment

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Issue - decisions

Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2016 : Amendment

02/02/2016 - Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2016

57.1    RESOLVED - That the Board agreed that with effect from 11 April 2016:


(i)            That the council continued with the current charging policies for residential care and non-residential care services which were compliant with the requirements of Section 17 of the Care Act 2014.


(ii)           To amend the charging policy to stop providing an income disregard for the night rate element of Attendance Allowance and DLA(care) for new service users.


(iii)         To continue with the current decision that no charges should apply to carers for any direct provision of care and support to them.


(iv)         The fee charged for setting up Deferred Payment Agreements

should be increased by 2% to £485 plus any additional costs for

property valuations.


(v)          The council continues to charge the maximum interest rate as set by the government for loans provided under the mandatory

Deferred Payment Scheme.


(vi)         That the table of charges as set out in the table in paragraph 3 be agreed.


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