Decisions for issue Contractual Agreements and Rent Setting for Traveller Sites

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Contractual Agreements and Rent Setting for Traveller Sites

16/03/2016 - Occupation Agreements and Fee Setting for Traveller Sites

1)           That Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the:


(a)  Occupation Agreement for the permanent traveller site

(b)  Discretionary Succession Policy for the permanent traveller site

(c)  Occupation Agreement for the transit traveller site


2)           That Environment Transport and Sustainability Committee approve the:


(a)  Pitch fee and service charges for the permanent traveller site

(b)  Pitch fee, deposit and service charges for the transit traveller site.


3)            That Environment Transport and Sustainability committee delegates authority to the Executive Director of Environment Transport and Sustainability, in consultation with the Executive Director of Finance, to vary the estimated service charges on the transit site for water and electricity after 6 months to align the charge to actual costs.


4)            That the Committee agrees that beyond 2.3 above, the annual pitch fee and service charge review should be part of the council’s budget setting process for future years.


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