Decisions for issue Permission to Consult on Extension of Communal Refuse and Recycling

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Issue - decisions

Permission to Consult on Extension of Communal Refuse and Recycling

16/03/2016 - Permission to Consult on Extension of Communal Refuse and Recycling

1)           That the Committee notes that the existing collections from basement properties are considered to present a significant risk to staff which the council has a legal duty to minimise as far as reasonably practicable.


2)           That the Committee approves consultation with the residents of Lewes Crescent, Sussex Square, Chichester Terrace, Arundel Terrace, Brunswick Square and Terrace and Palmeira Square and Adelaide Crescent on the alternative options for refuse collection, namely communal collection and bin locations or kerbside black bag collection.


3)           That the Committee approves consultation with the residents of Lewes Crescent, Sussex Square, Chichester Terrace, Arundel Terrace, Brunswick Square and Terrace and Palmeira Square and Adelaide Crescent on communal recycling.

4)           That the Committee approves consultation with the residents of Westbourne Street (southern end) Beaconsfield Road and Viaduct Road on the implementation of communal refuse and recycling collection as an alternative to kerbside refuse and recycling collections


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