Decisions for issue Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval of Grant Application
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Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval of Grant Application
15/07/2016 - Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval f Grant Application
RESOLVED – That the Committee:
1) Agrees the approach outlined in this report to apply for grant funding for the Stanmer Project to Heritage Lottery Fund/Big Lottery Fund Parks for People in August 2016.
2) Delegates authority to the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Development & Housing and the Executive Director of Finance & Resources to oversee the completion of the Stage 2 funding bid and to sign off the final documents prior to submission to HLF.
29/06/2016 - Stanmer Estate, Parks for people Approval of Grant Application
1) Notes the progress made on the HLF bid outlined in this report and recommends that Policy, Resources & Growth Committee approve the submission of the HLF application for the Stanmer Project due to be made in August 2016.