Decisions for issue Update on Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service

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Issue - decisions

Update on Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service

29/06/2016 - Update on Chargeable Garden Waste Collection Service

That the Committee:


1)            Subject to operational effectiveness (e.g. vehicle travelling) and where the original business case is still justified in terms of cost efficiency, authorises the Acting Executive Director of Environment, Economy and Culture to develop a strategy to better promote waste minimisation & recycling and extend the chargeable garden waste collection service to other areas of the City as set out in the body of this report.


2)            Agrees the policy approved by ETS on 13th October 2015 on garden waste collections be extended to reflect 2.1 above. This policy is set out in paragraphs 4.5 to 4.7.


3)            Agrees a further update report to be brought to ETS in June 2017, which will enable a full year of data to be presented to the Committee.


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