Decisions for issue Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for new development

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Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for new development

30/09/2016 - Parking Standards Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for new development

21.1      RESOLVED - That the Committee:


1)        Notes the results of the public consultation exercise (Appendix 1) on the draft Parking Standards SPD and endorses the changes made to the document.


2)        Adopts SPD14 ‘Parking Standards’ (attached as Appendix 2) as a SPD subject to any minor grammatical and non-material text and illustrative alterations agreed by the Executive Director Economy, Environment & Culture prior to adoption.


3)        Authorises the revocation of SPGBH04 ‘Parking Standards’ following adoption of SPD14 ‘Parking Standards’


4)        Authorises that the SPD shall take effect from Monday 3rd October 2016.


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