Decisions for issue Brighton and Hove City Council Rough Sleepers Social Impact Bond

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Brighton and Hove City Council Rough Sleepers Social Impact Bond

27/04/2017 - Brighton and Hove City Council Rough Sleepers Social Impact Bond




1)     That the Committee agrees to delegate authority to the Executive Director Health & Adult Social Care, following consultation with Executive Director Finance & Resources, to procure and enter into a contract to secure effective delivery of a service to reduce numbers of entrenched rough sleepers, in accordance with the requirements of funding made available to the Council by the DCLG. The proposed service will be delivered in partnership with Hastings Borough Council, Eastbourne Borough Council, Arun District Council and Adur and Worthing Council.


2)     That the Committee notes that the procurement will be aligned with priorities within the Council’s Rough Sleeping Strategy 2016, the Council’s Housing Strategy 2015, Homelessness Strategy 2014-19, and the Council’s priorities for the integration of social care and health through Better Care.


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