Decisions for issue Houses of Multiple Occupation - Response to matters raised at full Council
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Houses of Multiple Occupation - Response to matters raised at full Council
27/10/2017 - Houses of Multiple Occupation - Response to matters raised at full Council
(1) That the Committee notes the contents of the report as a response to the matters raised, set out in paragraph 1.1 of the report, in particular;
(2) That the City Plan Part One is not reviewed and that consequently the radius and % threshold relating to assessments of HMO concentration set out in Policy CP21 are not altered;
(3) That the Committee support the inclusion of additional criteria (as described in paragraph 3.14 of the report) in a draft HMO policy in the Draft City Plan Part Two, due to go out to public consultation in summer 2018;
(4) That the process seek an extension of the Article 4 Direction Area is not commenced at the current time, but the situation be closely monitored.