Decisions for issue Community Stadium Development

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Issue - decisions

Community Stadium Development

16/01/2009 - Community Stadium

(1)       That Cabinet approves the council entering into an Agreement for Lease with The Community Stadium Ltd and the University of Brighton under the terms set out in the Part 2 report.  


(2)       That Cabinet agrees that authority for discharging the Funding Condition in the Agreement for Lease be delegated to the Director of Finance and Resources and the Assistant Director of Finance (section 151 officer) in consultation with the Leader of the Council.


(3)       That Cabinet agrees in principle (subject to any S123 consent required) a lease of the Stadium site to The Community Stadium Ltd on substantially the terms set out in the Part 2 report.


(4)       That Cabinet notes the decision of Policy and Resources Committee in September 2007 that the council will support the Community Stadium scheme so far as is consistent with not directly funding the project.



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