Decisions for issue Valley Gardens Detailed Design

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Issue - decisions

Valley Gardens Detailed Design

29/11/2017 - Valley Gardens Detailed Design



1)            That Committee;


(i)      Approve the Valley  Gardens (Phase 1&2) detailed highway and greenspace design as contained in Appendix 1, and support the outlined Traffic Regulation Order principles and approach, granting permission for officers to liaise with local businesses and residents to finalise the detail of the Experimental Traffic Regulation Order.


(ii)     Grant delegated authority to the Executive Director, Economy Environment & Culture to procure and award a contract for the construction works required to build Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Valley Gardens Scheme using Hampshire County Council’s Gen-3 Civil Engineering, Highways and Transportation Infrastructure Works Framework Two 2016 – 2020 provided the value of the contract comes within the approved capital budget for the Valley Gardens project; and


(iii)    Grant approval for the instigation of the procedures for the exchange of highway to greenspace and the appropriation of greenspace to enable the exchange of green space to highway, as set out in section 7.



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