Decisions for issue Open Spaces Strategy - Update on Action Plan

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Open Spaces Strategy - Update on Action Plan

29/11/2017 - Open Spaces Strategy - Update on Action Plan



1)           That the Committee accepts in principle the proposal from Queen’s Park Tennis Club to operate the tennis courts in Queen’s Park as set out at Appendix 10 of the report.


2)           That the Committee delegates the agreement of the final lease/licence with Queen’s Park Tennis Club to the Executive Director Economy, Environment and Culture.


3)           That the Committee approves the undertaking of soft market testing by officers to identify if some or all of the remaining council tennis courts in the city could be operated by a not for profit organisation. A further report would be brought back to Committee with the outcome of the soft market testing.


4)           That the Committee approves the structure for the Brighton & Hove Parks Foundation to be a Charitable Trust, registered with the Charities Commission and notes the proposal to recruit between three to nine independent Trustees to the Foundation.


5)           That the Committee notes that  an elected member from each Group will be invited to attend the Brighton & Hove Parks Foundation Board meetings.


6)           That the Committee grants delegated authority to the Executive Director of Economy, Environment & Culture and Executive Lead Officer Strategy, Governance & Law to prepare all documents relating to the Brighton & Hove Parks Foundation.


7)           That the Committee notes the updates provided in the appendices in relation to:


·         Anti-social behaviour, Safety & Crime

·         Development Funding

·         Finance and Asset Management

·         Health & Well-being

·         Litter and Dog Fouling

·         Natural and Semi Natural Green Space

·         Playgrounds

·         Public Realm

·         Trees


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