Decisions for issue Social Care IT System Procurement
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Social Care IT System Procurement
16/10/2017 - Social Care IT System Procurement
1) That the Executive Director for Finance & Resources be granted delegated authority to:
(i) Carry out the procurement and award of a new social work case management IT system contract for children’s and adult services for an initial term of 5 years;
(ii) Agree an extension to the contract referred to in 2.1(i) above of up to 2 years; and
(iii) Approve the allocation of £2.5m for the contract referred to in 2.1(i) above from unallocated capital resources and include within the capital investment programme.
(iv) Note that the figure set out in 2.1 (iii) above is an estimate based on current information. A more detailed breakdown of costs is being worked on and will be submitted in a full business case on the project. An update report will be presented to Policy, Resources & Growth Committee based on this full business case.