Decisions for issue Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens

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Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens

11/01/2018 - Strategic Risk Focus: SR30 Place Based Leadership; SR23 Seafront Investment; SR21 Housing Pressures; and SR26 Council Relationship with Citizens

1)         That the Audit & Standards Committee notes the CRAF report Appendix 2 for details of SR30; SR23; SR21 and SR26.


2)         That, having considered Appendix 2 of the CRAF report and any clarification and/or comments from the officers, the Committee makes any recommendations it considers appropriate to the relevant council body.


3)         That the Committee note that (as detailed in paragraph 3.3) there have been no changes to the council’s SRR.


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