Decisions for issue Integrated Waste Management Services Contract (IWMSC) - Acquisition of Site at Pebsham Hastings and Leasing Arrangements Under the Waste PFI

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Integrated Waste Management Services Contract (IWMSC) - Acquisition of Site at Pebsham Hastings and Leasing Arrangements Under the Waste PFI

16/01/2009 - Integrated Waste Management Services Contract (IWMSC) - Acquisition of Site at Pebsham Hastings and Leasing Arrangements Under the Waste PFI

(1)       That Cabinet approve and authorise the Director of Finance & Resources and Assistant Director Property & Design to enter into the following agreements :-


(2)       The acquisition of a leasehold interest, jointly with ESCC, in land at Pebsham between Bexhill and Hastings


(3)       To grant, jointly with ESCC, an underlease to South Downs Waste Services Ltd (SDWS Ltd) to build and operate a waste transfer station, recycling facility and additional waste plant as required.



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