Decisions for issue Hangleton Safer Routes to School Scheme
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Hangleton Safer Routes to School Scheme
28/11/2018 - Hangleton Safer Routes to School Scheme
1) That the Committee notes the outcome of the recent public consultation in Hangleton and Mile Oak regarding proposals to improve and encourage walking and cycling to school sites on Hangleton Way;
2) That the Committee agrees to the implementation of the measures amended as a result of the consultation feedback and detailed costings to be funded by the Local Transport Plan (LTP) budgets;
3) That the Committee notes the requirements of the Section 106 Agreement for the West Blatchington Primary School site and approves the implementation of the Highway measures within that Agreement within allocated sums;
4) That the Committee agrees to the preparation and publication of notices for the new and amended Traffic Regulation Orders associated with the implementation of both the Local Transport Plan funded measures and the Section 106 funded measures, noting that any objections will be reported to this Committee.