Decisions for issue Partial Review of Polling District and Polling Places 2018

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Partial Review of Polling District and Polling Places 2018

06/12/2018 - Partial Review of Polling District and Polling Places 2018

RESOLVED: That the Committee -         


(i)            Agreed that St Mary Magdalen Church Hall be used as a polling place for GU district in Hollingdean & Stanmer ward.


(ii)          Agreed that a temporary polling place at the junction of Carden Hill and Lyminster Avenue be used as a polling place for HZ district in Patcham ward – if Hollingbury Library is unavailable.


(iii)         Agreed that the OX polling district in Hove Park is split into two new smaller polling districts across Hove Park and the junction of Nevill Road and Nevill Avenue – named OX and OW.


(iv)         Agreed that Brighton & Hove Cricket Pavilion, Nevill Sport Ground is used as the polling place for the new OW district in Hove Park ward.


(v)          Agreed that Bishop Hannington Youth & Community Hall is used as the polling place for the revised OX district in Hove Park ward.


(vi)         Agreed that Hove Town Hall be used as a polling place for UY district in Central Hove ward.


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