Decisions for issue Houses of Multiple Occupation - Extension to Article 4 Direction Area

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Houses of Multiple Occupation - Extension to Article 4 Direction Area

18/01/2019 - Houses of Multiple Occupation - Extension to Article 4 Direction Area

1)           That the Committee notes the evidence presented in this report as a response to the decision of the June 2018 TDC Committee to support an evidence gathering exercise to assess the impact of HMOs in areas of the city outside the existing Article 4 Direction area.


2)           That the Committee authorises the making of a citywide non-immediate direction under Article 4 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015 (as amended) to remove the permitted development right for the change the use of a building from a dwelling house (Class C3) to a House in Multiple Occupation (Class C4) for the reasons outlined in this report.


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