Decisions for issue King Alfred Development

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Issue - decisions

King Alfred Development

06/12/2018 - King Alfred Development

RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)            Agreed that officers should continue to negotiate a final Development Agreement with Crest Nicholson with a view to entering into the Development Agreement before the end of January 2019;


(ii)          Noted the draft Affordable Housing Provisions included at Appendix 1, and that these are subject to ongoing negotiations, and notes with grave concern that this was an amendment to Crest’s Final Tender;


(iii)         Noted the intention for officers to prepare and issue a ‘standstill letter’ advising Bouygeus Development of the change, in line with procurement regulations;


(iv)         Noted that there would be a further report brought to the Committee in January 2019 to agree the final Development Agreement;


(v)          Agreed to explore alternative options for the delivery of the redevelopment of the King Alfred site, including delivery of a Sport & Leisure complex for Hove, if the development agreement is not agreed by the end of January 2019.


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