Decisions for issue Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement Renewals
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Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement Renewals
21/03/2019 - Microsoft Enterprise Subscription Agreement Renewals
RESOLVED: That the Committee –
(i) Approved the award of a reseller contract for the provision of Microsoft software licence agreements to Phoenix Software Limited with a term of three years.
(ii) Approved the award of software licence agreements to Microsoft, each with a term of three years for the following products and services under Microsoft’s Educational and Enterprise Licensing subscriptions:
(i) The Windows operating system (Windows 7, Windows 10);
(ii) Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio & Project);
(iii) Office 365;
(iv) The Microsoft Active Directory identity management service that securely manages user accounts;
(v) The Microsoft Active Directory access control service that ensures users are only allowed to access to their work;
(vi) The Microsoft SQL database service that stores the data for applications, including the Electoral Register (Xpress), Clients of Concern Register (CCR) and various document management systems (IDOX, Workforce 360);
(vii) The Microsoft Intune service that is used to secure and manage the
corporate iPhone devices issued to BHCC councillors and staff.
(viii) The Microsoft Direct Access service that allows user laptops to connect to the office from home.
(iii) Provided authority to the Executive Director Finance and Resources to initiate a fresh review (reflecting the scope of the 2015 review that compared Microsoft with comparator products) of BHCC’s office software requirements with a view to reducing medium term BHCC dependence on expensive Microsoft products.