Decisions for issue Swift Boxes and Bee Bricks in New Development
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Swift Boxes and Bee Bricks in New Development
21/06/2019 - Swift Boxes and Bee Bricks in New Development
That the Committee:
1) Notes the planning policy framework already in place (in terms of the adopted City Plan Part One) and that further policy is being prepared through City Plan Part Two to positively support the incorporation of swift boxes/bricks and bee bricks in suitable new development.
2) Agrees to officers finalising and implementing the further actions set out in the report in paragraphs 3.13 and 3.14 so that bee bricks are installed as standard on new-builds unless unfeasible.
3) Agrees to officers undertaking further research on swift boxes as set out in paragraph 3.15 so that a report can be brought back to the next meeting of this committee with a view to installing as standard swift boxes/bricks on all suitable new-builds.