Decisions for issue Section 106 Planning Obligations - 2018/19 Financial Report

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Section 106 Planning Obligations - 2018/19 Financial Report

26/09/2019 - Section 106 Planning Obligations - 2018/19 Financial Report

            RESOLVED – (1) That the Committee notes the progress made towards adopting a CIL Charging Schedule; that the CIL Examiner’s report is anticipated by the end of 2019 and that adoption by Full Council is required to commence CIL in 2020;


            (2) That the Committee notes and endorses the programme of work required for CIL implementation; noting that some work streams (IT, Recruitment and Governance) are required to commence ahead of formal Council adoption to ensure that the operational requirements for CIL implementation in Spring 2020 can be delivered; and


            (3) That the Committee notes that Policy & Resources Committee approval of one-off resources of £0.158m, via the Targeted Budget Management reporting process, will be required to enable implementation of the scheme.


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