Decisions for issue Upper Gardener Street Trading Policy Review
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Upper Gardener Street Trading Policy Review
12/03/2020 - Upper Gardner Street Trading Policy Review
RESOLVED - (1) That members agree to approve the suggested varied conditions as listed below and shown in the amended Street Trading Policy in Appendix A.
- Traders will ensure suitable refuse storage and remove refuse at the end of trading;
- D. The Trader shall not place, store or sell, expose or offer for sale any article outside the trading area marked out at the specified site with the exeception of Upper Gardner Street where traders can extend to an adjacent marked trading area when it is unoccupied;
· E The Trader shall at all times whilst trading provide a suitable receptacle for rubbish and litter and remove the rubbish and litter from the site at the end of each days trading. Such rubbish and litter is not to be placed in municipal litter bins.
The conditions to take effect from 1 April 2020.