Decisions for issue BTN Bikeshare Reprocurement and In-house options

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Issue - decisions

BTN Bikeshare Reprocurement and In-house options

24/06/2020 - BTN Bikeshare Reprocurement and In-house options

That the Committee: 


1)      Agrees in principle to delegating authority to the Executive Director to procure and award a new concession contract to operate a mixed fleet of pedal, pedalec (e-bikes) and e-scooters in the city from March 2022


2)      Following the preparation of a financial model, that would detail the extent of any potential Council funding required to subsidise the contract, a further report will be brought to this Committee seeking permission to procure and award a new concession contract with delegated authority based on the prepared financial model.


3)      Agrees that this report will provide further detail on the modelling and business case underpinning the in-house and alternative delivery vehicle (e.g CIC) options, including any updates in the availability of suitable premises space, or spare capacity to deliver aspects of the project ‘in-house,’ should this be necessary in future.


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