Decisions for issue Proposure to consult on closure of maintained nursery class at Hertford Infant School

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Proposure to consult on closure of maintained nursery class at Hertford Infant School

14/09/2020 - Proposal to consult on closure of maintained nursery class at Hertford Infant School

RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed –


(i)             That in accordance with DfE statutory guidance Making significant changes (‘prescribed alterations’) to maintained schools (October 2018) committee considers the request of the school to start the process to close the nursery class, taking into account the information in this paper.


(ii)            That, subject to findings from the initial consultation stage, a decision on whether or not to proceed to statutory notices with full proposals is made at a special meeting of the CYPS committee.


(iii)          That at the end of the statutory notice period, a decision on whether or not to proceed with closure of the nursery class is taken at the January 2021 Children, Young People and Skills Committee.



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