Decisions for issue Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery
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Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery
03/12/2020 - Next steps - Rough Sleeping and Accommodation during Covid 19 Pandemic and recovery
RESOLVED: That the Committee agreed -
(i) That the Executive Director of Housing Neighbourhoods & Communities and the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care be granted delegated authority to secure accommodation up to the end of March 2021, by entering into contracts to extend existing arrangements or alternative arrangements where necessary to extend the provision of shorter-term/interim accommodation acquired in response to the Covid 19 pandemic to 31st March 2021;
(ii) That funding be agreed until 31st March 2021 for the floating support required to enable people to move on to private rented accommodation who are in need of support to sustain and manage a tenancy so it is a viable option at an estimated cost of £0.086m, as detailed in paragraph 3.14 of the report. If agreed, this financial pressure will be reflected in future Targeted Budget Management (TBM) reports to P&R committee;
(iii) That in line with the NSAP funding allocation, the Executive Director of Health & Adult Social Care be granted delegated authority to enter into a contract with St Mungo’s as a partner to the bid and as set out in the bid to deliver 20 units of high support accommodation as set out in paragraph 3.14 of the report;
(iv) That the NSAP funding allocation be noted and the spend in line with grant conditions be agreed;
(v) That consideration be given to continuing to accommodate those assessed as at risk of rough sleeping who do not who do not fall within NSAP funding conditions beyond 30 September 2020 or statutory provisions (excluding those who have NRPFs except those to whom we have a statutory duty as outlined elsewhere in the report) during the on-going pandemic at a maximum cost of £0.986m for 2020/21, as outlined in in paragraphs 7.3, 7.4 and 7.5 of the report;
(vi) That it be noted that if recommendation (5) above is approved, this could create a potential commitment in 2021/22 of between £1.4m and £1.9m. This will need to be reflected in the budget process for 2021/22;
(vii) That the MHCLG contribution of £1.752m in capital funding towards the purchase of 30 new homes for rough sleepers and that approval of the new HRA capital budget for this purchase will be brought as part of the TBM 7 report to the December P&R Committee be noted.