Decisions for issue Liveable City Centre and Ultra Low Emission Zone Initial Feasibility Study

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Liveable City Centre and Ultra Low Emission Zone Initial Feasibility Study

19/01/2021 - Liveable City Centre and Ultra Low Emission Zone Initial Feasibility Study

1)             That the Committee note the analysis and outcomes of the initial feasibility work on creating a Liveable City Centre and expanded Ultra Low Emission Zone options for the city.


2)             That the Committee agree that the options summarised in paragraphs 3.8 and 3.9 of this report (and illustrated in Chapter 3 of Appendix 1 to this report) should be developed further through more detailed, quantified assessments, which will include the development of business cases and plans for engagement and consultation to identify preferred options for each project.


3)             That the Committee requests that reports are brought back to future meetings of this committee for approval of the further development of the business cases and plans for engagement and consultation for the Liveable City Centre and expanded Ultra Low Emission Zone projects.


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