Decisions for issue The future of secondary schools places in Brighton and Hove
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The future of secondary schools places in Brighton and Hove
14/06/2021 - The future of secondary schools places in Brighton and Hove
RESOLVED – (1)That the committee note the secondary school pupil forecasts from September 2022 – September 2031 detailed in Appendix 1 and recognise that from September 2028 – September 2031 these are illustrative and not calculated using a recognised methodology as detailed in a previous committee report.;
(2) That the committee approve the recommendation to undertake a pre-consultation engagement between 21 June 2021 and 18 July 2021 including 8 public events held remotely in order to ensure early community involvement and a survey hosted on the council’s Have Your Say portal; and
(3) That the committee note that the responses will be used to inform future discussions about the admission arrangements for secondary schools which will be subject to public consultation.