Decisions for issue Community Wealth Building Programme Update
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Community Wealth Building Programme Update
09/12/2021 - Community Wealth Building Programme Update
RESOLVED: That the Community Wealth Building Group and the Asset Management Board present a progress report to the March meeting of the Policy & Resources Committee, to outline how funds are being be spent to advance Community Wealth Building and explore implementation of the findings where appropriate using the funds, previously allocated.
30/11/2021 - Community Wealth Building Programme Update
That the Tourism, Equalities, Communities, and Culture Committee Agrees:
1. To Note the work programme that the Community Wealth Building Member Working Group will be undertaking, and that the Committee will receive an outcome report from the working group in Summer 2022.
2. To Note the findings of the Social Value Working Group established by the Asset Management Board and refers the report to Policy and Resources committee, and requests that the Community Wealth Building Member Working Group take forward looking at the issues raised.
That Policy & Resources Committee Agrees:
3. To Request that the Community Wealth Building Group and the Asset Management Board explore implementation of the findings where appropriate.