Decisions for issue Kingsway to the Sea - West Hove Improvement Plan
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Kingsway to the Sea - West Hove Improvement Plan
09/12/2021 - Kingsway to the Sea - West Hove Improvement Plan
(1) That the council’s recent success in securing £9.5 million from the government’s LUF to regenerate a linear park and outdoor sports facilities between the King Alfred Leisure Centre and Hove Lagoon be noted;
(2) That it be agreed that the Kingsway to the Sea project will be progressed in line with the successful LUF bid and in consultation with community stakeholders and ward councillors;
(3) That a total budget of £10.647 million for the Kingsway to the Sea project, including £1.147 million (10.4%) of funding from council resources, to be added to the Capital Investment programme be agreed;
(4) That commencement of this project, with the appointment of project management to accelerate the programme and design towards the deadline of 31st March 2024 for completion be agreed; and
(5) That it be agreed that the design development of Kingsway to the Sea project requires a progress update report to brought back to Policy & Resources Committee before a planning application is made in 2022.