Decisions for issue Outdoor Events - Madeira Drive Closures 2022
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Outdoor Events - Madeira Drive Closures 2022
13/01/2022 - Outdoor Events - Madeira Drive Closures 2022
RESOLVED: That Committee:
1. Granted landlord’s consent (subject to the execution of a formal agreement) for each of the proposed events on Madeira Drive and the associated road closures as listed in Appendix 1.
2. Authorised officers to enter into formal agreements with event organisers to determine conditions, fees and levels of support as appropriate.
3. Authorised the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture, after consultation with the Chair of the committee and opposition spokespersons, to make any alterations to the events programme as necessary including approving new applications in accordance with the Outdoor Events Strategy 2019-2024 and cancelling events if required.