Decisions for issue Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2022-23

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Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2022-23

11/01/2022 - Annual Review of Adult Social Care Charging Policy 2022-23

RESOLVED – (1) That the Sub Committee agrees that the council continues with the current charging policy for care and support services which includes an individual financial assessment to determine affordability and complies with the requirementsof Section 17 of the Care Act 2014;


*(2) That the Sub Committee agrees to a 3.1% increase on all current charges with effect from 11 April 2022;


*(3) That the Sub Committee agrees an increase to miscellaneous fees at 3.1% as follows in the report;


(4) That the Sub Committee agrees an increase to Carelink charges as 3.1% as follows in the report; and


(5) That the Sub Committee agress to continue with the existing policy not to charge carers for any direct provision of support to carers.


* Note: The above resolutions reflect the Labour Group amendment which was accepted at Committee and therefore became and were agreed as its substantive resolutions.


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