Decisions for issue Items Referred from Council
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Items Referred from Council
14/06/2022 - Items Referred from Council
7(a) Notice of Motion: Fast Food and Energy Drink Advertising
RESOLVED – That the Adult Social Care & Public Health Sub-Committee:
(1) notes the information provided in the report.
(2) Agrees that an officer project group be established, with representation from BHCC Public Health, Property & Design and Transport, and potentially other relevant services, to further explore the issue of fast food & energy drink advertising.
(3) Agrees that the project group will report back to the November 2022 Health & Wellbeing Board meeting with a paper which will include:
· Detailed information on the extent of fast food & energy drink advertising on BHCC estates
· An evaluation of the success of initiatives in other cities to restrict fast food advertising (e.g. Bristol/Transport for London)
· A proposal to refresh the Council’s policy on advertising, including updating or extending restrictions, specifically including energy drinks in restrictions etc.
7(b) Notice of Motion : A Dementia Friendly City
RESOLVED – That the contents of the Notice of Motion be noted and received.