Decisions for issue Levelling Up Agenda

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Issue - decisions

Levelling Up Agenda

21/07/2022 - Levelling Up Agenda

1)            That the Board endorses all Levelling Up Fund Round 2 bids submitted by Greater Brighton authorities (appendices 1 & 2) and agrees that the Chair of the Board should write a letter of support in relation to each bid.


2)            That the Board notes that the bids outlined in appendices 1 & 2 have the potential to create a new pipeline of Board-backed projects for the city region.


3)            That the Board agrees that members should be encouraged to work together on the delivery of UKSPF interventions where such interventions will be more effective on a geographic scale which is wider than an individual local authority’s area.


4)            That that Board agrees its local authority members should reflect 2.s in all UKSPF Investment Plans they submit.


5)            That the Board agrees officers should continue to consider opportunities for the Greater Brighton functional economic area arising out of the Levelling Up White Paper


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