Decisions for issue Environmentally Sustainable procurement policy and weighting

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Environmentally Sustainable procurement policy and weighting

06/10/2022 - Environmentally Sustainable procurement policy and weighting

RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)             Approved the Environmentally Sustainable Procurement Policy set out at Annex 1 on behalf of BHCC;


(ii)            Delegated authority for approving any future changes to the policy to comply with legislative changes, or to ensure alignment with other approved changes to procurement policies and practice to the Chief Finance Officer in consultation with the Procurement Advisory Board;


(iii)          Approved setting a default minimum sub criterion weighting of 10% of the quality criteria for environmental sustainability, (with the expectation of a significantly higher percentage weighting in sectors where this can be easily achieved, such as catering and cleaning), and approves the recommendations at 3.14 and 3.15 below;


(iv)          Instructed officers to report back to Policy & Resources via Procurement Advisory Board with a progress update in 18 months to outline what has been achieved - listing decisions that changed as a result of social value scores.



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