Decisions for issue Learning Management System Replacement

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Learning Management System Replacement

06/10/2022 - Learning Management System Replacement

RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)             Noted the decision taken under Officer urgency powers (as set

out in the report and the offer decision record in the Appendix) to:

· procure and implement a replacement LMS, including the provision of interim systems and processes and;

· approve expenditure as detailed in the part II report over 3 years for the purchase, implementation and licensing of the replacement LMS to be met from a combination of revenue commitment, borrowing (capital financing) and/or addition to the Modernisation Fund subject to the final split of costs between capital and revenue;


(ii)       Noted the intention to integrate our learning management system into a fully integrated HR, recruitment, payroll and finance system (which was approved at P&R committee in July 2022) from 2025 onwards.


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