Decisions for issue Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: Health & Adult Social Care Risks

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Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: Health & Adult Social Care Risks

10/01/2023 - Brighton & Hove City Council Strategic Risk Register: Health & Adult Social Care Risks

RESOLVED - That the Adult Social Care and Public Health Sub Committee:


(1)  Appendix 1 with details of the two SRs and mitigating controls and actions;


(2) Note Appendix 2 which provides: 


      i.         a guide on the risk management process; 

     ii.         guidance on how Members might want to ask questions of Risk Owners, or officers connected to the strategic risks; and 

    iii.         details of opportunities for Members, or officers, to input on Strategic Risks at various points and levels; and


(3)    Make recommendations for further action(s) to the Risk Owner.



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