Decisions for issue Review of the Council's Constitution
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Review of the Council's Constitution
01/12/2022 - Review of the Council's Constitution
RESOLVED: That the Committee –
(i) Recommends to full Council the proposals set out at paragraphs 3.1-3.9 (Council Procedure Rules), 3.14 (Sub-Committee reporting) and 3.20-3.23 (Contract Standing Orders and the Petitions Scheme);
(ii) Noted the proposals set out at paragraph 3.10-3.12 (Minutes of meetings), 3.24 (the light touch annual survey on the Constitution) and 3.25 -3.27 of the report (the co-option of an additional Independent Person to Audit and Standards Committee);
(iii) Agreed the proposals to make minor changes to the Scheme of Officer Delegations set out at paragraph 3.15 (Safer Communities) and 3.16 (authorised and unauthorised encampments);
(iv) Agreed the proposals to make changes to the Downland Advisory Panel Terms of Reference set out at paragraphs 3.17 -3.19 and Appendix 2;
(v) Agreed the appointment of Councillor Robert Nemeth as a member of East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service as set out at paragraph 3.28.