Decisions for issue Public toilets
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Public toilets
19/01/2023 - Public toilets
77.1 The Committee considered a report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture that sought approval for the introduction of charging at some sites in the city to sustain as much public toilet provision as possible and reduce the likelihood of closures. The report also provided the committee with an update on current service provision in light of the decision to close some public toilets across the city in response to an increasing budget pressure in-year, the expected service provision from 1 April 2023 in light of the budget pressures experienced in 2022/23 and the proposed £0.300m saving proposed as part of the 2023/24 draft budget savings plus an update on the Public Toilet Refurbishment Programme. The report is also addressed the Public Toilet Notice of Motion agreed, as amended, at the committee at its meeting on 15 November 2022.
77.2 Councillor Nemeth moved a motion to amend the recommendations as shown in bold italics and struckthrough as follows:
2.1 That Committee notes the contents of the report.
2.2 That Committee does
not agrees to the introduction of charging at public
toilets but agrees that
insourcing of the contract for
cleaning and maintaining public toilets has failed and that this is
the principal reason for proposals to close public toilets and to
introduce charging
in line with the principles set out in paragraph
2.3 That Committees agrees that accountability was regularly mentioned as a reason for insourcing (the Leader of the Council specifically said that he preferred to ‘bring public toilets back in-house to ensure we have direct management and better accountability’) and expresses concern as to where accountability now sits;
77.3 Councillor Simson formally seconded the motion.
77.4 Councillors Platts, Lloyd, Appich, Simson, Wilkinson, Davis and Fowler asked questions and contributed to the debate of the report.
77.5 The Chair put the Conservative Group motion to the vote that failed.
77.6 The Chair put the recommendations as per the report to the vote that failed.