Decisions for issue The UK Shared Prosperity Fund

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The UK Shared Prosperity Fund

19/01/2023 - The UK Shared Prosperity Fund

RESOLVED: That the Committee –


(i)             Agreed that the UKSPF grant award for Brighton and Hove is spent in line with the Investment Plan, as approved by the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities on 5 December 2022, and summarised in Appendix 1.


(ii)            That item 11 in Appendix 1 summarised as Green Skills Course (projected spend 2022-25 spend £50,000) be redirected to support paid placement opportunities in the council’s apprenticeship and pre-employment programme for disabled people of all ages with a particular focus on Looked After Children, NEETs who have a disability or EHCP under the age of 25, subject to DLUCH approval.


(iii)          Delegated authority to the Executive Director – Economy, Environment & Culture, to take the necessary decisions and actions to oversee delivery of the UKSPF Investment Plan. This includes implementing and administering the scheme and the resulting projects in accordance with the requirements and priorities of the government prospectus and Fund;


(iv)          Noted that an annual report on the progress of the Investment Plan will be brought to this committee;


(v)           Noted the oversight and evaluation arrangements for the Fund.


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