Decisions for issue Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2022/23

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Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2022/23

23/06/2023 - Targeted Budget Management (TBM) Provisional Outturn 2022/23



2.1      That the Committee note that the provisional General Fund outturn position is an overspend of £3.020m and that this represents an improvement of £1.553m compared to the projected and planned resource position at Month 9 and taken into account when setting the 2023/24 budget.


2.2      That the Committee note the provisional outturn includes an underspend of £0.562m on the council’s share of the NHS managed Section 75 services.


2.3      That the Committee approve General Fund carry forward requests totalling £7.912m as detailed in Appendix 5 and assumed within the provisional outturn.


2.4      That the Committee note the provisional outturn for the separate Housing Revenue Account (HRA), which is a break-even position.


2.5      That the Committee note the provisional outturn position for the ring-fenced Dedicated Schools Grant, which is an underspend of £0.368m.


2.6      That the Committee note the provisional outturn position on the Capital

Programme which is an underspend variance of £2.661m.


2.7      That the Committee approve the capital budget variations and re-profiling requests set out in Appendix 7.


2.8      That the Committee approve the new capital schemes requested in Appendix 8.


2.9      That the Committee approve the creation of a 10-Year Lease Dilapidations Provision as set out in paragraph 9.10.


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