Decisions for issue Leisure Contract - Future Management Options

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Leisure Contract - Future Management Options

19/12/2023 - Leisure Contract - Future Management Options

1)             That the Strategy, Finance & City Regeneration Committee agree that outsourcing the leisure contract remains the best option for the council’s future leisure provision.

09/11/2023 - Leisure Contract - Future Management Options



That Committee:


1. Noted that the current outsourced leisure contract expires in March 2026.


2. Recommended to the Strategy, Finance and City Regeneration Committee that outsourcing the leisure contract remains the best option for the council’s future leisure provision.


3. Agreed that officers should continue to explore the best route for delivering a new outsourced contract, ensuring the redevelopment of the King Alfred/West Hub is appropriately considered.


4. Agreed that officers will bring a report back to committee regarding detailed plans for outsourcing in March 2024.


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